
Maintenance of Epoxy Garage Floors

Maintenance of Epoxy Garage Floors

Epoxy garage floors are a popular choice for homeowners because of their durability, ease of maintenance, and attractive appearance. However, like any flooring type, epoxy garage floors require proper care and attention to maintain longevity and appeal. Epoxy garage floors are a type of flooring that is created by applying a resin coating to a […]

How Long Will Epoxy Garage Floor Last with Different Materials

How long will epoxy garage floor last with different materials

The lifespan of epoxy garage floors is 5-20 years, depending on the epoxy material, epoxy type, and quality of installation and maintenance. Epoxy flooring is a type of resinous flooring that consists of a mixture of epoxy resin and a hardener. When these two components are combined, they undergo a chemical reaction that forms a […]